
Preview Link Only

Important Information

HTG is pleased to be partnered with Volleyball Canada as the exclusive accommodations partner. This event is stay to play and all teams requiring accommodations must confirm their teams hotel block though HTG in order to qualify for acceptance.

Please note on the launch/hotel booking opening day, teams will NOT be sent the Rooming List Entry Link. That link will follow by March 1st, 2023. On the hotel booking opening date you will get the Hotel Confirmaiton email which will confirm the rooms are held for your team

Please note that there will be a cap on the number of rooms available per team. The cap on the number of rooms that can be booked per team for this event is 13. Should your team require more than the cap we are happy to add additional rooms post launch.

Should any rooms be remaining in the Large Club Hotels; they will be made available for general launch.

Please note for this event you will ONLY be able to book a maximum of 3 nights (May 04, 05, 06) any nights needed before of after these dates will be based on availability after all teams have booked. If you need nights beyond these 3 nights, please reach out to HTG after your hotel block is confirmed.

Hotel Listings

Please NOTE: listed room rates do not include taxes / listed room rates are average rates

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