
Preview Link Only

Important Information

HTG is pleased to be partnered with OVA as the exclusive accommodations partner. This event is stay to play and all teams requiring accommodations must confirm their teams hotel block though HTG in order to comply with the Stay to Play Policy.

Please note that there is a room block cap of 13 rooms per team. Should your team require more we are happy to add additional rooms post launch.

ROOMING LIST INFORMATION: Rooming List Entry Links will NOT be sent out on the same day the hotel booking portal goes live. On this day any blocks requested will be confirmed but the rooming list entry links will be sent out seperatly by FEBRUARY 1ST, 2023. Rooming List will be due to be submitted by 9AM ON FEBRUARY 22ND, 2023.

Please visit the OVA website for all launch information including dates and times.

Hotel Listings

Please NOTE: listed room rates do not include taxes / listed room rates are average rates

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